Tatranské informačné kancelárie Starý Smokovec 052/442 34 40 Tatranská Lomnica 052/446 81 19 Informácie

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Kaviareň a čajovňa u Vlka

Dni mesta Vysoké Tatry

Vila Lavína

Adress: Nový Smokovec 12, 062 01 Vysoké Tatry
Phone number: +421 911 363 435
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.vilalavina.sk/

Villa Lavína is a solitary building originally built as a summer residence of the Budapest factory owner Jakub Bruchsteiner on the edge of the settlement of Nový Smokovec in the open natural environment of the continuous forest of the southern foothills of the High Tatras. The main facade is oriented to the south, down to the Poprad basin, the northern facade is oriented to the mountain massif Slavkovský štít.

Villa Lavina provides modern and luxurious accommodation in conjunction with comprehensive services in tourism with year-round use.