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Veľké Hincovo tarn

Veľké Hincovo tarn is the biggest and the deepest tarn on slovakian side of the High Tatras . Maximum depth of the tarn is  53 meters. The surface of the tarn is frozen aproximately  270 days per year. It is situated in  Mengusovska valley, at a altitude 1944,8 meters above sea level. You can get there by blue marked trail from  Popradského plesa  in about 1 and half hour.

Tip for hiking:

From Popradské Pleso to Veľké and Malé Hincovo pleso

Very nice technically undemanding hike in the valley Mengusovská dolina for lovers of Tatra tarns. We set off from the Popradské Pleso tram stop. It would be ideal to get here by tram because then we can return with another route. A comfortable wide asphalt road leads to Popradské pleso, which in summer also serves […]

Ascent to Koprovsky stit from Strbske Pleso

Very beautiful and interesting all-day hike. We start from Strbske pleso along ( ) trails until we reach the junction of Trigan where we’ll decide if we want to continue along the red trail with beautiful views of Popradske pleso or to go along the green trail (during winter season this is the winter trail) […]

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