Tatranské informačné kancelárie Starý Smokovec 052/442 34 40 Tatranská Lomnica 052/446 81 19 Informácie

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Hotel Greenwood

Adress: Nový Smokovec 41, 062 01 Vysoké Tatry
Phone number: +421 940 144 734
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.hotelgreenwood.sk

Accommodation GREENWOOD meets all standards in cozy double and triple rooms and family apartments with functional equipment and room service for maximum satisfaction and comfort of guests in Nový Smokovec.

Hotel Greenwood is located in the center of Starý Smokovec in a quiet location with beautiful views of the High Tatras, only a 5-minute walk from the funicular station to Hrebienok, a 2-minute walk to the Jakubkova Lúka Ski Area and 2 minutes from the Tatra tram and bus station. It is also an excellent starting point for hiking, winter sports, as well as wellness and swimming in the surrounding hotels.