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Kaviareň a čajovňa u Vlka

Dni mesta Vysoké Tatry


Adress: Bachledova dolina 695, 059 55 Ždiar
Phone number: +421 908 507 773
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.hotelbachledka.sk

Visit the first grand hotel in Ždiar and enter the world of elegance, where you can indulge in real relaxation and rest with first-class services. Through the traditions and history of our region, you will feel the spirit of the proud Gorals in every detail.

Here you will find rooms with enough space for sleep, relaxation and rest of the whole family. Each room is unique with a distinctive style. Enjoy sunrise or views of the Belianske Tatras with a cup of coffee in hand at the Grand Apartment on the 5th floor. Families with children will certainly appreciate the non-traditional accommodation in rooms with duplex sleeping, where they will have their privacy and space. For more demanding clients who prefer the privacy of a hotel room for relaxation and rest, there are rooms with a whirlpool.

In the kitchen under the guidance of experienced chef Matej Birošík, modern trends in gastronomy are combined with the tastes of local cuisine. We use raw materials from local producers in our meals. Therefore, you can try the real tastes of Zamagurie and the local specialties are really local.

In the hotel you will also find:

Wellness & SPA Katarína – Grand hotel Bachledka Strachan

Enjoy the swimming pool in the Grand Hotel Bachledka **** Strachan with beautiful elements of Goral folklore and a children’s pool designed for the youngest visitors. Swim and be pampered with water massage jets. Let yourself be transported by the unique world of regeneration and sensory experiences in the hotel SPA. Enjoy the hotel’s swimming […]

Restaurant Bachledka Strachan Ždiar

Grand Hotel Bachledka Strachan does not want you to just come to eat, it wants to entertain you, to draw you into the story of culinary art, to involve your senses. Chef Matej Birošík comes from Lendak and was trained as a chef at a high school in Horný Smokovec. In England, he has managed […]