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Dolina Kežmarskej Bielej vody

The valley is divided into three branches – Dolina Zeleného plesa, Dolina Bielych plies a Predné Meďodoly. Above the valley Dolina Zeleného plesa, there are also smaller valleys: Veľká zmrzlá, Malá zmrzlá and Červená dolina. The longest of them all is valley Predné Meďodoly with the length of 2 km. Its northern part belongs to Belianske Tatras. In the valley of Kežmarská Biela voda, there lies the biggest group of tarns – Biele plesá. The first famous tourist in this valley was the lady of Kežmarok castle – Beáta Lasli-Kościelecka, who was punished for this act – her husband had her walled up in a castle chamber. Nowadays, there are two opened chalets in the valley – Chata pri Zelenom plese and Chata Plesnivec and there are plans prepared for the reconstruction of burnt down Kežmarská chalet. The main tourist starting points to the valley are the parking lot and bus stop Biela voda, Tatranská Kotlina and Tatranské Matliare.

Tips for hiking:

Through Zelené pleso to Jahňací štít

Very nice all-day hike for more demanding and skilled hikers. There are more possible ways how to get to the peak. The shortest track to Chata pri Zelenom plese („The Chalet at the Green Tarn“) leads from a bus stop Biela voda – 2,5 h. (). The comfortable trail leads through woods and meadows and […]

Tatranská Magistrála: Part Two

Tatranská Magistrála cross-over from Chata pri Zelenom plese through a saddle Veľká Svišťovka, along a tarn Skalnaté pleso up to a chalet Zamkovského chata. In the section Chata pri Zelenom plese – Veľka Svišťovka, the hike is more difficult with partially exposed terrain secured by chains. It’s more beautiful to do the hike in the […]

Tatranská Magistrála: Part One

All day hike in Belianske Tatras for lovers of less frequented hiking trails. This is the first part of the Tatranská Magistrála cross-over: Ždiar – Monkova dolina, Kopské sedlo – Zelené pleso. We start the hike in the village of Ždiar – bus stop Tatra. We strike out in the direction of a junction Rázcestie […]

Wandering in Belianske Tatras

Very beautiful hike in the Belianske Tatras – through a valley Zadné Meďodoly. We start in a village Tatranská Javorina at a bus stop Pošta. Then we continue 0,30h. along a comfortable paved path to a junction Rázcestie pod Muráňom. This part of the track is also suitable for a walk with a baby stroller […]

From Belianske to High Tatras

Very pleasant hike from Tatranská Kotlina through chalet Plesnivec to the tarn Veľké Biele pleso, where we can see an interesting transition between Belianske and High Tatras. We start in Tatranská Kotlina at the bus stop Čarda. From here leads the easiest trail to the chalet (1:55 h) and we can get there by a […]

Chata Plesnivec

The only chalet situated in the Belianske Tatras. It’s open all year-round. It’s located on the southern slope of their main ridge, under the cliffs of a part called Skalné vráta. To the chalet you can get from a settlement Tatranská Kotlina – bus stop Čarda cca 1:50h; from Kežmarské Žľaby 1:55h or from Chata […]

Chata pri Zelenom plese

Chata pri Zelenom plese (1551m.) is open all year-round. It is located in the valley of Zelené pleso (“green tarn”). Throughout the years stood around the tarn several chalets that were destroyed either by storm or fire. History: The first visitors of the Zelené pleso had no opportunity to spend the night here. In 1876 […]


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